Wednesday, July 23, 2008

itz maguire!

WHATUP WORLD... its been a minute since i posted anything substantial but now i have a few seconds to do a new post... hmmm.... SOOOO its a Wednesday, and I just finished getting all the music ready for the show when I got a new e-mail from Mickey Factz with his new track of the week. As usual, it blew me away. This dude has mad talent and I can't wait until Mickey Factz really, really, really blows up. Besides the Mickster I have been listening to my man Drake out of Toronto, Canada. In my honest opinion i believe he could be the next Jay-Z. He has unbelievable swag and his flow and lyrical approach to his raps are out of this world. Definitely check him out on his myspace: Drake. Ever since I returned to FL after my NY trip I have been incredibly motivated and determined to really really really have an impact on this phenomenon we call the hip hop industry. I have a year left of school and once I graduate... watch out world!!!

Alright so back to cleaning the office and going through the package of CD's...
