Wednesday, June 9, 2010

NEW VIDEO: Lady Lyric - The Ripple Effect

Since the tender age of 3, Lady Lyric, has always kept the art of music in the forefront of her life. She studied Classical Opera

which allowed her to expand her horizons. Lady Lyric, now 24, is currently writing songs capitalizing on high profile placement opportunities. Her networking game on twitter ( has linked her with Grammy Award Winning Rockwilder (@rockwilder09), UMA Winner Drawzilla (@drawzilla), and the very talented Youngfyre - who has most recently produced for T-Pain (@youngfyre) just to name a few. She is dedicated to updating her youtube & myspace pages for her supporters. ( You can find original works, popular covers, and opera on her youtube channel. ( The majority of her work is being circulated amongst the A&R community and has received positive reviews. With her Creative Intelligence, Charming Personality, and relentless work ethic there is nothing short of success in her future. Stay tuned!!!!